This work has been a useful systematic theology in one of the most conservative churches in the Netherlands, the Gereformeerde Gemeenten in Nederland (GGiN), sister churches of the Reformed Church of North America (RCNA). The author of this work is Dr. C. Steenblok. He studied at the Theological University of Kampen, did his dissertation at the Free University of Amsterdam with the title Voetius and the Sabbath. He left the Gereformeerde Kerken (sisterchurches of the Christian Reformed Church) and became a minister in the Gereformeerde Gemeenten (sister churches of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations). He taught at the theological school, but was disposed by the synod of 1953 with the acusement of rejecing the offer of grace. He began the Gereformeerde Gemeente in Nederland. Though this work contains grains of the election and the rejection of the offer of grace, it is still a useful and highly qualified work.
The current edition contains chapters 1 and 2. The rest will follow.