Persoonlijke Details

The person behind this website is Cees van Steenselen, a young man of 35 years of age. I grew up in the Netherlands, a country close to the Northsea. I consider myself to be a conservative christian, who believes that the Three Forms of Unity are a Biblical summary and that the Bible is infallibility. As translations I would use those like the Dutch Statenvertaling and the King James Version (Authorized Version). I believe that they are the most faithful ones when it comes to the translation principles and the underlying text (Masoretic Text for the Old Testament and the Received Text for the New Testament).
In the past years, I did a Master of Divinity program at the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, America. They gave me faithful and Biblical teachings in many courses. I have done some translation projects (both from English to Dutch as vice versa) and will keep doing that in the future. As daily work I am software test engineer, previously in the gas and oil industry, and currently in the infra business. My desire is to serve the LORD in His vineyard. One of these ways is via publishing articles on this website or translation work. May the LORD bless this simple work for the salvation of many.
Cees van Steenselen